Wednesday, October 23, 2019

WK 8_ Bear Research Library Session

Bear research.

-Determine non-traditional research sources
-Perform Low-Level "GSearch"
-Determine research questions
-Use library databases to perform research
-Create data tables and data maps for comparative data
-Use Comparative data to form a hypothesis and create additional research questions

About NJ's Bear Management Policy

What types of bear-human issues are recorded? Bear nuisance/ property damage. Bear attacks.

When gathering information to report back, note the type of issue, the date and the location.  This will help us answer questions about where  issues are happening and if there is a general trend over time. It could also help us form questions about why.

Where are bears in the state of NJ and is their population changing over time? 
We need county data about bears per county for each year in the years 2000-2019. This data will tell us if the NJ bear population is growing or shrinking,  and if the range is growing or shrinking. Then we can ask better questions about why.

What are things that people can do to make bear encounters safer? Are there other places in the US where people frequently encounter bears? Are the situations similar enough to offer us insight on how to handle our bear issues?

What is the human population density of two of our bear- heavy counties? How has this changed over the last 20 years?

What is the bear management policy of those counties?

What methods do we currently use besides hunting to manage bear issues?At what level of government should we manage Bears? What questions do we ask to determine if our policies are effective?

**Each group is responsible for the answers to their bear research question, assigned in class. The answers are due during next week's class. The Final Research Paper will be due Week 14.

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